Fresh Wasabi makes happy and healthy
- Pure Nature -
World's Leading Fresh Wasabi & Wasabi Products Importer/Distributor - Producer
For Food Industry, Food Service, Professionals, Chefs, Horeca and Consumers
- Wasabi4You your partner for every creation with real Wasabi wherever you are -
Wasabi Pure(e) Stick
2-5 grams
100% Wasabia Japonica
100% Grated Rhizome
No additives No preservatives
Wayonaise Stick
10 grams
75% Mayonaise
25% Wasabia Japonica
100% Grated Rhizome
Wasabi Shop
Fresh Pureed Wasabi (100% Rhizome)
Pouches of 50 grams to 5 kilos
Ready to Use
No additives

Wasabi4You founded in 2013 and specialized in fresh Wasabi rhizomes and producing fresh grated Wasabi


Wasabi Pure(e)
- fresh grated Wasabi, only rhizome of Wasabia Japonica
- No additives, no preservatives
- 100% Pure Nature
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Wasabi4You Innovations
Echte Wasabi maakt je Sushi

- Nóg lekkerder
- Gezonder
- Most Unique Selling Point
Wasabi bestellen?
Klik hier voor Webshop